NEPCON Vietnam 2019 – 11th to 13th Sep 2019


Hakuto Singapore Pte Ltd will be participating in “NEPCON Vietnam 2019”. Dates : Sep. 11 (Wed.) – Sep. 13 (Fri.), 2019 Booth Number : B10 Venue : I.C.E Hanoi (Cung Van Hoa). 91 Tran Hung Dao Street. Hanoi, Vietnam. On Display : AKM, EPSON, Hamamatsu Photonics, Heyco, Innolux, JRC, Kyocera, Laird, ShinEtsu, SMK, Thinky. Link…

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Beijing Liuyi Biotechnology CO., Ltd. / Electrophoresis cell & Electrophoresis power supply


Beijing Liuyi Biotechnology CO., Ltd.(former Beijing Liuyi Instrument Factory), was founded in 1970, state-level high-tech enterprises with a long history. Based on the life science and biotechnology industries, products has been in the domestic industry leading firm and also well-known firm in the industry. Have exported to more than ten countries and region. Open to…

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Hakuto Singapore’s office relocation.


We are pleased to inform you that with effect from 4-Mar-2019, our office will be relocated to the following address: 151 Lorong Chuan, #06-07A,New Tech Park, Lobby G,Singapore 556741 Telephone and fax numbers remained unchanged. Should you have any queries, please do not hesitate to contact us. Thank you for your attention and we look…

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意法半导体微控制器新闻速递 – 06 December 2018


意法半导体微控制器新闻速递   及时了解STM32最新产品 STM32WB STM32L0x0 STM32L4x2 STM32F7x0 STM32H750   重磅新品 STM32WB无线微控制器, 双核低功耗多协议 首款集成BLE和IEEE802.15.4的射频模块的系统芯片:开放的2.4GHz射频多协议;双核M4/M0+全面控制;超低功耗;物联网保护;高集成度节省成本;完整的射频开发和功耗控制工具。   应用案例 华为最新智能手表采用STM32L4+及TouchGFX STM32L4+超低功耗单片机和图形界面利器TouchGFX助力穿戴市场革新,帮助新款华为智能手表实现超长待机,漂亮流畅的UI及完美性价比   生态系统 STM32天猫旗舰店上线,多款开发板&芯片有售 STM32天猫旗舰店于2018年‘天猫芯片节’期间正式上线。首批60多款STM32芯片以及评估板上架,后续会更新热门型号,敬请期待!   技术文章 STM32H7 DMA传输异常案例分析 STM32H7具有更灵活、更多样的内部功能域以及更复杂的总线矩阵,开发时,要注意各区域应用实现的实际情况。   培训 2018年STM32技术培训圆满结束,课件打包下载 47场线下技术培训,满满的干货分享给大家!包括STM32L4+,STM32H7,电机控制SDK5.0,云接入等培训资料   展会 邀您参加深圳国际电子展,人人可领开发板 ELEXCON深圳国际电子展将于12月-20-22日举行,提前锁定STM32开发板名额,即可在ST展台现场领取!   粉丝活动 第三届STM32粉丝狂欢节进行中 答题挖宝,每天Get新知识;争相问鼎达人榜,分享学习笔记拿开发板   新品及开发工具 速度更快、灵活性更高的ST-LINK探头,轻松完成STM8和STM32编程 全新STM32F7/H7超值系列 MCU:超高性能,精简闪存 全新STM32L4 MCU ,适用尺寸更小巧、续航更持久的智能设备   STM32中文官网 STM32本地活动、产品选型、设计培训资料下载

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Multi-sensor reference design, Time-of-Flight toolchain, and more – 21 November 2018


MEMS & Sensors news from STMicroelectronics   Stay up to date with other industry sector newsletters: Automotive Industrial IoT Motor control Wireless   FEATURED PRODUCT Always-on IMU improves accuracy, optimizes system power Extremely power efficient and accurate, the LSM6DSO iNEMO 3D accelerometer and 3D gyroscope system-in-package makes the entire embedded system around it more power…

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Two new STSPIN motor drivers and their Nucleo boards, STM32 MC SDK, and more – 18 October 2018


Motor control news from STMicroelectronics   Stay up to date with other industry sector newsletters: Aerospace Industrial IoT Microcontroller Wireless   FEATURED PRODUCT Two new motor drivers with so many applications it’ll make your head spin With versatility the key factor, developers can drive BLDC motors by either using three or six inputs, thanks to…

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Malaysia International NDT Conference and Exhibition 2018 – 12th to 13th November 2018


Hakuto Singapore Pte Ltd will be participating in “MINDTCE’ 18” Dates : 12th November 2018 (Monday) – 13th November (Tuesday) 2018 Booth Number : 28 Venue : Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre On Display : Hamamatsu Photonics Link :

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Build your BLE and Motor Control designs in minutes – 25 September 2018


STM32 Open Development Environment news from STMicroelectronics   Stay up to date with other industry sector newsletters: Motor Control IoT Wireless Connectivity Industrial Aerospace   Build a Bluetooth low energy (BLE) Mesh network in minutes Here’s a complete hardware and software sample implementation to help you build a Bluetooth SIG Mesh Profile 1.0 Certified mesh network.…

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Tiny USB-C controller, ultra-low-noise LDO, secure NFC tags, and more – 06 September 2018


Stay up to date with other industry sector newsletters: Aerospace Industrial Wireless Automotive Motor control   FEATURED PRODUCT Standalone USB-C and PD sink controller Migrate from USB STD-B, micro-B or custom power plugs to a USB-C connector with our tiny, safe, certified, and easily customizable STUSB4500 Power Delivery controller. Order our ready-to-use evaluation board or…

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STM32WB无线MCU驾到,电机控制SDK5.0详解 – 29 August 2018


2018年STM32研讨会热点曝光 STM32WB双核无线MCU ST全新电机控制软件库SDK5.0 STM32物联网应用更新   STM32WB双核无线MCU STM32WB为支持无线功能的双核 MCU,内嵌 工作频率为 64 MHz 的 Arm® Cortex®-M4 内核【应用处理器】和工作频率为 32 MHz 的 Arm® Cortex®-M0+ 内核【网络处理器】,是首款内置BLE的双核STM32,具备先进的射频性能。   STM32电机控制SDK5.0 基于ST上一代永磁同步电机(PMSM)矢量控制(FOC)SDK,5.0 新版固件库结合STM32Cube硬件抽象层和底层架构,简化电机驱动电路的开发、定制和调试过程。此外,免费使用源代码让开发人员能灵活设计应用方案,加强电机的控制和定制功能。   STM32生态助推中国物联网发展 STM32 AliOS认证 STM32CubeMX AliOS插件 STM32云接入方案(百度云/阿里云/机智云/AWS/AZURE) STM32无线接入方案 (NB-IoT/LoRa/WiFi)   STM32中文官网 STM32本地活动、产品选型、设计及培训资料下载

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